Making maps in R

raster, maps, terra

December 24, 2022

I recently shifted from using the raster package for spatial data to using the incredibly versatile and fast terra package. Since, tmap does not provide direct integration with terra objects, I wrote this post to show how terra allows for plotting nice graphics using it’s inbuilt functions.

I am going to create a map of continental United States with the spatial distribution of annual \(PM2.5\) concentration for 2019. I use \(PM2.5\) concentration data from Atmospheric Composition Analysis Group (Donkelaar et al., 2021).

We begin by loading our required packages.


#load required packages

# check root directory

I use the United States Census Bureau shapefile which can be downloaded from here. I now import the shapefile.

us.shp <- terra::vect(x = here::here('data', 'shapefile', 'cb_2018_us_state_500k', 'cb_2018_us_state_500k.shp'))

I subset the shapefile by removing the states that are not part of continental United States.

us.shp <- us.shp[us.shp$NAME %in% us.shp$NAME[!us.shp$NAME %in% c("Puerto Rico", "American Samoa", "United States Virgin Islands", "Hawaii", "Guam", "Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands", "Alaska")],]
us.shp <- terra::project(x = us.shp, y = 'EPSG:5070')

I now import the \(PM2.5\) concentration data for 2019.

poll.dt <- terra::rast(x = here::here('data', 'pollution', ''),
                       subds = c('GWRPM25'),
                       lyrs = 1L)

I now subset the \(PM2.5\) concentration raster layer for the continental United States.

poll.dt <- terra::project(x = poll.dt,
                          y = 'EPSG:5070')
poll.dt <- terra::crop(x = poll.dt,
                       y = us.shp)
poll.dt <- terra::mask(x = poll.dt,
                       mask = us.shp)

I now plot the map.

terra::plot(x = poll.dt, type = 'continuous', pax = list(labels = FALSE, tick = FALSE), maxcell = 300000000000000000)


Donkelaar, A. van, Hammer, M.S., Bindle, L., Brauer, M., Brook, J.R., Garay, M.J., Hsu, N.C., Kalashnikova, O.V., Kahn, R.A., Lee, C., Levy, R.C., Lyapustin, A., Sayer, A.M., Martin, R.V., 2021. Monthly global estimates of fine particulate matter and their uncertainty. Environmental Science & Technology 55, 15287–15300.